Attuned to You
Soul Connection
So much more than information from your ‘book of life’, your Akashic Record is wisdom and energy held from your soul’s point of view. Close to Source, a reading offers you connection to your soul perspective and provides a window to your energetic experience, even beyond this lifetime. Receive channeled guidance and experience aligning energetic shifts as you more deeply connect to and root in your source self.
How it Works
Using your full name along with a practiced blessing, I tune into the energetic address of the soul perspective we are consulting for the day. Once established, I will share the opening imagery and metaphor I’ve been given to set the scene, and from there you will be able to ask questions freely and redirect as you please! This allows for a dynamic dialogue where you can inquire and ask for clarity from your soul’s point of view on a number of topics and questions of your choice. In the case of a pet, relationship, or a record for spiritual study/exploration, the name of that entity is clarified and consulted using the same method.
The information that comes through is solely at your energetic request and questions can range from focused to broad and from daily life to cosmic wonders–it’s up to you! Subtle to potent energetic shift can also come through to support your soul expression and experience moving forward, usually facilitating shedding and clearing of limiting beliefs. This varies from person to person and depends upon each individual.
All readings are offered via Zoom with select availability for in-person readings in Panama City, FL.
Wisdom at your fingertips
A one-on-one reading where you can ask all the questions you like from your Akashic Record/soul point of view. Great for clarifying your gifts, purpose, soul mission, or just realigning with your deeper inner truth. Most of my clients feel a rooted peace after a personal reading, experiencing a more grounded and clarified understanding of their current situation. Many feel deeply seen and understood for who they are. While a lot of information comes through during the reading itself, many have told me the information and imagery continues to guide them for months after, supporting and affirming their chosen route of expansion.
Common questions: Am I on the right path? What am I meant to do/become? This wild energetic experience happened and I don’t know what to make of it…what’s going on? How can I find deeper meaning in my life? What does _____ mean? How do I change _____?
Offered Virtually & In Person
30 min.: $60 USD (virtual only)
60 min.: $90 USD
90 min.: $120 USD
Sharing Experience & Exploring the Relationship
A reading for two or more people who wish to get a reading together, sit in on each other’s readings, and/or explore the energetics and dynamics of their shared relationship or group. We can open up a number or records in a reading like this: each person’s Akashic Record as well as the Akashic Record of their relationship–which often offers quite an interesting third point of view! Within this space, each person can ask as many personal questions as they like, while also being able to explore joint questions, questions for the relationship, or even questions from shared family lineage in the case of familial relationship. Excellent when looking to balance, realign, or deepen relationship, or if you seek to understand each others’ unique gifts and role individually and collectively.
Common inquiries: How can we support each other more? I see this situation this way and they see it another way–how can this be? We are each experiencing a lot of flux, how does this impact our relational evolution? We feel like we have known each other before–what is our soul history/do we have shared lives? What are we meant to accomplish together as friends/partners/siblings/parent-child?
Offered Virtually & In-Person
60 min.: $130 USD //+$40 per additional person up to 5
90 min.: $180 USD //+$60 per additional person up to 6
120 min.: $220 USD //+$80 per additional person up to 7
If you live locally to Panama City, FL and would like to host a group reading and have me come to you, please reach out!
For information and rates for parties or groups of 8 or more, contact us.
Support & Soul Mission
A reading in which we open up the record of your pet or animal! We love our animals, and they often are here very purposefully in our lives. In this reading, you can learn more about who your pet is at a soul level, how and why they support you, what their soul history and experience is, what kind of karma or emotional experiences they are currently working with, if they are still processing any energy from past lives, and how you can more clearly support them in their experience. This can add some dimension to your soul purpose and experience through your partnership with them, as well. This is a beautiful way to connect with the soul of an animal that has passed. If you have more than one animal you would like to connect with, please plan about 20+ minutes per connection.
Frequented topics: What kind of energy/personality/experience is my pet coming into this life with? How do we support each other? _____ has this behavior that really confuses me, what can I do to help/what do they need? What would they like more of in their lives? Have we lived lives together before? What are we here to accomplish or learn together?
Offered Virtually
30 min.: $45 USD
60 min.: $65 USD
90 min.: $85 USD
Stay tuned!