Hermit crab crawling about the sand on a beach

Empowering Individuals

Founding Philosophy

Hermit crab crawling about the sand on a beach

The most powerful shifts about ourselves are those that come from within. However, perspective is an essential tool in shifts large and small. Every great self-healer and personal growth enthusiast can use a mirror to more accurately understand the work at hand. It’s often when we feel stuck that we look to others to help us see our blind spots, to ring out for a more accurate echo of truth that we have yet to find. My work as channel is reflecting your own soul-held divinity, offering you a truth to compare with your challenge at hand. The choice and autonomy in deciding your truth is still your own, as the choice is all of ours, to re-call and re-claim our own sovereignty. 

Passionate & Engaged

About Corinne

Smiling with her chin propped on her hand, Hypnotherapist Corinne Fretwell sits in a field of yellow flowers
Corinne Fretwell

Welcome! I am Corinne Fretwell, the ever-becoming-more-embodied soul in charge of Soulshift. Committed to showing up for self and other in my most authentic way, I am continuing to dive deeper still into my own path and experience about the planet. I seek authenticity, resilience, and a greater knowingness–I would love to bring the same to you!

Though I now recognize various channeled divine flow throughout my life, I first experienced direct channeling by accident during my training in hypnosis. Through subsequent practice, I learned to channel my higher self as well as an even more elevated soul guide. I began to understand the energetics around channeling, flow of information, and working as a bridge between worlds. 

Continuing my studies, I spent the next year and a half in formal training with a teacher in the Akashic Records. I worked with my own as well as a variety of other Akashic Records. I worked with records of other classmates and of other living, ‘non-living,’ and timeless beings. 

Each facet of my journey has gifted me such a beautiful and unique part of the puzzle, as I continue to piece together as my understanding of this world. I am thrilled to share the joy of channeling divine wisdom as I continue to grow in this field. My goal is to find my most aligned way to be supported in service to the whole. My dream is for all of us to receive this, while feeling most alive and in joy in this life. 

Smiling with her chin propped on her hand, Hypnotherapist Corinne Fretwell sits in a field of yellow flowers
Corinne Fretwell

Service in Healing

About the Collective

A woman gently holds her arm near the back of her shoulder where about she has a cut that is healing

Our interdependent reality puts a lot of power on individual shift. When stepping into truth, not only do you align with your highest expression, but you impact your environment as well.

“As we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


– Nelson Mandela


Part of our service to the collective is to heal other through healing self. By reclaiming our power to transform our lives and live most fully in our truth, we show others how to do the same. When we can release what no longer serves us, we free our neighbor as well. 

Deep connection with and compassion for others is a mirror of our ability to connect with and have compassion for ourselves. I believe it takes our will and exercising of love to see the divinity in others as well as ourselves. In seeking a lasting shift of acceptance for all, the best way to start is within.


Ready to Shift Your Experience?

Schedule your session and step into your future today.